
如果您正在照顾患有生命受限性疾病(如癌症,痴呆症,心血管疾病或者肾功能衰竭等)的家庭成员、朋友或社区成员,希望获得有关支持服务的信息,且/或想了解在您的家人或朋友在面对生命的最后时刻应做些什么准备,多元文化妇女健康中心(Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, MCWH)现在为说中文的照顾者及您照顾的人士提供量身定制的一对一支持服务 .

如果您正在照顾患有生命受限性疾病(如癌症,痴呆症,心血管疾病或者肾功能衰竭等)的家庭成员、朋友或社区成员,希望获得有关支持服务的信息,且/或想了解在您的家人或朋友在面对生命的最后时刻应做些什么准备,多元文化妇女健康中心(Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, MCWH)现在为说中文的照顾者及您照顾的人士提供量身定制的一对一支持服务 .

我们的中英双语工作人员将倾听您的需求,帮助您认识医疗系统和各种支持服务,并在此之中挑选合适您的服务。我们还会为您提供量身定制的、符合文化背景的相关信息 .

如需使用我们的支持服务,请发电邮至:yue@mcwh.com.au ,或致电 03 9418 0922与项目主管Gao Yue联系! 请留下您的姓名、最佳联系电话以及首选沟通语言,然后我们会安排一名双语工作人员给您打电话,并相应地讨论您的需求 .

Simple Chinese

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Free and in-language one-on-one support to migrant carers

If you are looking after your family members, friends or community members who have a life-limiting illness, such as cancer or dementia, and would like to have more information about support services and/or what to prepare when your family or friend is dying, the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) is now providing tailored one-on-one support to migrant carers and the person they care for.

Our bilingual and bicultural workers will listen to your needs, help you understand and navigate the health system and support services, and provide you with tailored and culturally appropriate information.

To get support, please contact Project Officer Yue Gao at yue@mcwh.com.au , or 03 9418 0922 to leave your name, best contact number and preferred language. We will then arrange a bilingual worker to call you and discuss your needs accordingly.
